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Reptile Still

Crazy about Creatures

Welcome to Crazy about creatures 

About Us


Our Story

I am Jacob Morrish, and I am currently studying my second year of zoological science at university Centre Sparsholt, which involves me going to conferences and workshops to sharpen my knowledge in the zoo field. As a child I was lucky enough to grow up with rare breed chickens and to have my own Kune Kune pigs, which sparked my interest in animals and because of that my passions and interests have grown from there and now I would like to share my passion with others  and who better than the future adults of tomorrow.


During September of 2023 I was lucky enough to get the chance to go out to Shamwari Private Game reserve in South Africa.  During my time there I did work in conservation efforts for certain species like the black rhino and also got to do a lot of animal tracking and identifying as well.


I am also in the process of building a tropical room where all these animals live and in this room I am trying to provide the animals with the most naturalistic environment that I can provide.

What We Do

Image by Ádám Berkecz


A lot of the animals that are housed in the tropical room, are rescued, for instance 2 of the common musk turtles were found on the side of a path in the winter and we have taken them in, and they are thriving.

Image by Alex Williams


The bigger lizards in the collection have been rehomed from the RSPCA Reptile Rescue Center in Brighton.

Image by David Cadenas


I made this club so i can get children to experience these animals for the wonders that they are and also to show people how important it is that we look after our environment and the creatures in it.

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